This Halloween, Spread Spencers Sparkle participated in its first annual safe walk! Our family wore matching shirts, reading “Spencers boo-jee witches”, we had purple sparkly pumpkins covering our table, and of course, our life-size cardboard cutout of the king himself.
Amongst the crowd of kids and their families, there were many things said that stood out to us and touched our hearts.
From “Happy Halloween, Spenc!” to “look, it’s Spencer Sparkle!”, we heard them all and loved each one. The number of folks that wanted their photo snapped with Spencer in his very own “I’m boo-jee” shirt was astronomical to us!
We intend to hand out candy to our local youth and share Spencer every halloween from now on. We hope to see even more faces smiling back at Spencer in the years to come!
Thank you to everyone who made us feel seen and heard this Halloween, it means more to us than you will ever know. We will share Spencer with the world for the rest of our days!
