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Tampa Pride was a SUCCESS!!

As Spencer's family, Spread Spencer's Sparkle attended and ran a booth at TAMPA PRIDE! On March 26th, we drove our loaded cars to Ybor City. While we have attended Pride Festivals in the past, including one with Spencer himself, this was our first time having a table with our merch. We are proud to say that our pride shirts were a hit! With a grand total of 67 shirts and so many stickers sold, we got to share Spencer's story with so many new faces. We were greeted with hugs, patience, love, and listening ears when we started sharing who Spencer was and the impact he had and continues to have on all of our lives. We were recognized from Tik Tok, we had someone who knew us from another family member, and we had people who had heard about Spencer in Englewood or in Tampa. This event was our first of many as we plan to continue making trips to the major pride events in Florida. Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way and thank you to those who are newly following along in our journey! LOVE IS LOVE!


Write to Juliannah Stephens

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